
Some thoughts about this blog

Well I just wanted to clarify some things about why this blog exists. Some of you may remember the website that once occupied this address, it was meant to be the home of a group of friend that wanted to share their projects with the world (wide web). That failed, I was alone in such wishes so I gave up and killed the website. But MAD Alien ad been special to me in so many ways, mostly because it was one of the few things I didn’t gave up after a wile (madalien is 3 years old) so I decided to continue it but in a different form and a blog just seemed right, it was already something I had tried with the Temple (a madalien section). So I guess that covers the why now what will I talk about in here? Everything really, I’ll use this blog like a doorway to share my points of view, my ideas and even my small software projects (if I ever release any). I hope it will be interesting to some one out there and if not at least I tried 😛

Sincerely, DragonSoull.

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I’m typing this in notepad hacking in the html code since the dynamic back end is gone. So what has been going on? Well nothing! It’s the summer and all I do is cruse the web, watch TV and sleep. I know I know I need to get a social life but I was never the “going out to party’s kind of guy”. Hopefully ill get the cash to rent a web space so I can get the scripts back up and make posts more regularly. Till then its radio silence, Private DragonSoull over and out ;).

PS: I’ve edited the html to remove all broken links. Hope i haven’t messed anything up…

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This script was runing on a friends web space today I asked him to pull it down since i don’t like to leach friends so there will be no new posts for some time 🙁 till then.

WARNING: The Comment script will not work!!

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