
The END of That!!!

Many people say that games are too violent, they say: “oh my god, you can do what in GTA3? The developers should remove that.” and “Postal 2 is the work of the devil!! Remove it from the stores and burn it now”. But today I’m feeling generous so I’ll share this pearl of wisdom:

Violence doesn’t come from the game, it comes from within every single one of us. If not do you think that those games would sell has much? What does GTA3 show that doesn’t happen every day in some part of the world?

What can you do in Postal2 that you secretly wanted to do at some time in your life to a person that was making your life miserable? We humans like destruction in all it’s forms, we like to do the most horrible things because we are sadists at heart and if you think other wise you’re a fool.

Why do you think we have boxing? Sports where two men try to beat each other unconscious? Why do you think there’s killers, psychopaths, rapers and paedofiles?

How can you ever hope that censoring or even removing these titles from the shops will help, when the world is full of far worse examples? If nothing be grateful for videogames for the experiences they allow in a virtual environment or would you prefer the alternative? That would be me, you and a shotgun.
I hope you open your eyes and see the truth, if not I’m really sad for you, really I am…

The END of That!!!

CSS Rocks!!

It really does. Wile “helping” a friend to make a webpage I decided to try and make a all CSS no tables page, I found this website: CSS Tuturial that had a great tutorial with the basics and this one css/edge that showed me how to make a table like design.
I must say I was very impressed with the power of CSS and disappointed to find out the so called most used web browser in the world (IE6) supports it poorly ๐Ÿ™ so most stuff will only shows correctly on Mozilla or Opera based browsers.
So if you want to really browse the web like I suggest you move to Opera or Mozilla as soon as possible ๐Ÿ˜‰ .

CSS Rocks!!


Summer, it sucks nothing to do ๐Ÿ™ well actually there is but I don’t feel like doing it (call me lazy). So I have been spending my time playing games (currently Tomb Raider using Glidos and VDMSound, for more info check out VOGONS) instead of doing something useful like coding.
So you see there’s nothing new happening, except maybe MTV Portugal witch is nice finally they remembered we exist ๐Ÿ™‚ on the good side the Israeli (I think) commercials are gone and it’s good to hear some tunes from the guys around here (Cebola get in you thick skull that Portuguese music doesn’t suck anymore, there are great band out there now) but on the flip side Jackass, Andy Dicks and others are gone :'( and the voice for the Portuguese promos seem to be made by a girl that could be getting stabbed on the back and still sound bored??
Any way nothing new so don’t expect many updates, till next time…


Other Universes

I must say I’m having a hard time find out a way to write this properly, it sure sucks being a lousy writer at these times. Well all I wanted to mention was the depth that some forms of entertainment reach. Some of them create entire universes to accommodate their stories some good examples are The Matrix (movie), Legacy of Kain (game series), Babylon 5 (TV show) etc.

There are of course the original products, but that is not all some of these universes are expanded or better explained in other places there are communities built around it that in many cases adds too the richness of that universe.

So I suggest that you dive in to the WWW and see if there’s more to your favorite Universe, here are some links that I found in my dive ๐Ÿ™‚

Other Universes