
What the …

The motherboard was ok after all, it’s working has usual on my PC again. I have no idea what happened and I don’t think I’m really going to give it much thought, I’m back and that what counts 😉 .

Maybe the year wont be that bad after all…

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Fuck Me

Dam luck, my computer is broken again this time the motherboard. I think I may be able to get a motherboard from a friend but until then I’m without a computer 🙁 .

This year is starting bad… let’s hope it gets better instead of worst.

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Breasts and Nudity

Have you ever noticed that these days female singers show more and more of their breasts in their video clips? They seem to be showing more and more.

That makes me wonder why is nudity (topless or even complete) is still censured and considered inappropriate, what’s so wrong about the human body that has to be hidden? Everybody has seen at least their naked body (unless you were raised by strict “moral” (more like crazy in my book) parents) so what’s wrong?

Our society has pretty strange standards has it stands today, mostly I think the result from misguided religious following. What kind of God would say that your body is evil? and even sex if it is such a “bad thing” why does it makes us fell pleasure? But that’s not what I’m talking about.

All I’m saying is that the Human body is a perfectly normal thing and shouldn’t be hidden away. Lets do has the ancient Greeks and just relax about it.

Update: I was surfing around and found this post interesting related article.

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